domingo, 14 de abril de 2024

The dam, de David Almond, Levi Pinfold (Ilustrador) - Opinião

Titulo original -
The dam
Sinopse: Kielder Water is a wild and beautiful place, rich in folk music and legend. Years ago, before a great dam was built to fill the valley with water, there were farms and homesteads in that valley and musicians who livened their rooms with song. After the village was abandoned and before the waters rushed in, a father and daughter returned there. The girl began to play her fiddle, bringing her tune to one empty house after another -- for this was the last time that music would be heard in that place. With exquisite artwork by Levi Pinfold, David Almond's lyrical narrative -- inspired by a true tale -- pays homage to his friends Mike and Kathryn Tickell and all the musicians of Northumberland, to show that music is ancient and unstoppable, and that dams and lakes cannot overwhelm it.

Um breve livro com ilustrações muito bonitas, baseada numa história verídica, que nos conta acerca de uma localidade que teve que ser abandonada para que uma barragem fosse construída no vale Kielder. Uma menina e o seu pai regressam à vila e levam música às casas por uma derradeira vez.
Achei a história bonita e ao mesmo tempo triste e que fez-me pensar na efemeridade das coisas.

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